2012-06-18 大连 /persistence/2012/06/18/language-and-dream.html persistence
I'm always asking myself, what is my dream? what do I really want to do and want to get in my life? because people are always busy for their dreams at the begining and then they forget about their dreams because they are busy...life is like swimming in the river, I think the destination is important if I don't want to lose myself in the flow.
iPhone #Hong Kong #06/18/2012
Speaking of English, I have been learning it over ten years, I think English is not only an amazing medium that we can use it to communicate with the world but also it can enrich our life. A new language is a new life experience, we can't make our lives longer, but we can make it wider in our limited time, actually, nothing could express the way of my English learning over ten years better but English is beautiful! just like your dream...
我的全部英语音频 https://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_66e2357f01015xf4.html
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